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Choosing the Right Blockchain for Your Web3 Game: A Guide for Studios

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  • Key factors for choosing a blockchain platform: gaming focus, security, scalability, ecosystem support, and technical expertise.
  • Immutable offers comprehensive solutions, including Passport for easy onboarding and Immutable zkEVM for scalable web3 games.
  • Major partnerships with industry giants like NetMarble and Ubisoft validate Immutable's position in the web3 gaming space.
  • With 380+ games signed on Immutable and rapid user growth, our platform is positioned as a leader in the future of gaming.

Web3 gaming is exploding, and smart studios are jumping on board. 

With 380+ games already signed to Immutable, the future of gaming is here. 

But choosing the right blockchain platform can make or break your success.

This (big) guide will walk you through everything you need to know to build the next big web3 hit.

The web3 gaming market is growing fast - here's what you need to know

Gaming focus: Prioritize platforms dedicated to gaming

Testimonial from Matt Scott, CEO Little Orbit

The web3 gaming market is projected to reach $65.7 billion by 2027, signaling a massive shift in the industry. As this space evolves, game studios need to prioritize platforms dedicated to gaming to stay ahead of the curve. 

When evaluating blockchain platforms, it's crucial to look for solutions specifically designed for game economies and mechanics. These platforms should offer robust support for essential features like item crafting, trading, and player retention

Platforms that have been battle-tested in real gaming environments can offer invaluable insights and solutions, translating into more efficient problem-solving throughout the game creation process.

Game-centric features like gasless transactions and simplified player onboarding are becoming increasingly important. Immutable Passport, which recently surpassed 1.5 million user signups, offers passwordless, one-click social logins. This feature significantly reduces player drop-off during the onboarding process, leading to higher player counts and increased revenue potential.

Hot Tip: When choosing a platform, consider how well it aligns with your specific needs as a game developer. Does it have a tailored technology stack for gaming use cases? For instance, Immutable zkEVM, just four months after its Mainnet launch, has become one of the fastest-growing chains in history, boasting 2.51 million monthly active users

Questions to ask:

  • Does this platform speak your language as a game developer?
  • How have they supercharged their tech stack for gaming?

Choosing the right platform will allow you to focus on what you do best: creating engaging, fun games.

Security: Protect your players and your reputation 

Testimonial from Dan Jensen, CEO Revolve Games

Don't overlook security when choosing a gaming-focused platform. Look for features like multi-sig wallets, comprehensive fraud detection systems, and regular security audits. 

For example, Immutable Nexus offers a unified security approach across its ecosystem of chains, ensuring consistent standards for games of all sizes.

These measures help identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

Questions to ask:

  • What specific security measures are in place to protect games and players?
  • How does the platform respond to and learn from security incidents?

Security isn't just about protecting assets—it's about building trust with your players and safeguarding your game's future.

Scalability: Ensure your game can grow without limits 

Testimonial from Thomas Lee, CMO Baby Shark Universe

A secure platform is essential, but it must also be able to grow with your game. As your player base expands, you need a platform that can handle millions of transactions without breaking a sweat.

Pay close attention to their transaction speed and capacity, especially during peak usage times. A platform that can't handle the load when your game goes viral is a recipe for frustrated players and lost revenue.

For studios requiring even more scalability, Immutable offers dedicated chains as part of our Nexus ecosystem. This allows you to have your own customized blockchain, eliminating competition for block space and enabling tailored validator configurations for enhanced performance.

Questions to ask:

  • How has the platform performed during major game launches or events?
  • What's their plan for future scalability improvements?

With Immutable, you're choosing a partner committed to scaling alongside your success, future-proofing your game for explosive growth.

Ecosystem support: Leverage resources beyond technology 

Testimonial from Nicolas Schrik, CEO RavenQest

If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together. 

Marketing support and cross-promotion within the ecosystem are vital for game visibility.  Our Play Page showcases these games, offering valuable exposure to a growing player base.

We've partnered with King River Capital and Polygon Labs to launch a $100 million web3 gaming fund, the largest of its kind. This fund supports developers and studios transitioning to web3 gaming, providing crucial financial backing for innovative projects.

Questions to ask:

  • What specific resources are available to help my game succeed?
  • How active and engaged is the platform's gaming community?

With substantial funding, a growing player base, and a network of industry partnerships, our ecosystem isn't just about technology—it's a launchpad for success. 

Technical expertise: Get the support you need to succeed

Testimonial from Guen Alkan, CEO Devomon

Finally, your chosen platform should provide not just technology, but also the expertise and support to help you leverage it effectively. 

Look for platforms with a track record in web3 gaming, offering insights into the unique challenges game developers face.

Which is why we developed a plug-and-play feature set for developers to get-to-market faster without needing to know all the underlying complexities of blockchain technology.

Our enhanced Minting API, for example, supports both ERC-721 and ERC-1155 tokens, making it straightforward to mint assets at scale. This API offers easy minting, simple tracking, customizable metadata, efficient quantity management, and a familiar interface for web2 developers transitioning to web3.

Additionally, our Orderbook supports ERC-1155 with partial fills, enhancing the player trading experience and offering new monetization opportunities.

Questions to ask:

  • How responsive and knowledgeable is their support team?
  • What ongoing training or resources do they provide as the technology evolves?

With comprehensive documentation, our advanced tooling removes the heavy lifting, empowering you to focus on creating engaging gameplay.

Major partnerships shaping the future of web3 gaming 

Testimonial from Hong Jin Pyo, CEO MarbleX

Building a successful web3 game isn't just about having the right technology—it's also about being part of a thriving ecosystem. That's where strategic partnerships come into play. 

Let's take a look at some of the major collaborations that are shaping the future of web3 gaming and how they can benefit developers like you:

  • MARBLEX Migration. NetMarble, South Korea's largest mobile gaming company, is bringing its entire platform to us. This includes hit titles like Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, A3: Still Alive, and Meta World, which collectively generated over $80M in revenue and 1M+ monthly active users in 2024 alone.

  • MARBLEX & Immutable Ecosystem Boost Program. In collaboration with MARBLEX we’ve launched the “Ecosystem Boost Program to support developers technically and financially. With the equivalent of  $20M USD earmarked, the program combines our web3 gaming expertise with MARBLEX's local market leadership to nurture the next generation of web3 game developers.

  • Ubisoft’s Strategic Innovation Lab Collaboration. We're working with Ubisoft to create cutting-edge web3 gaming experiences. This partnership merges Ubisoft's game development prowess with our web3 technology.
  • Polygon Partnership. Our Immutable zkEVM is powered by Polygon's ZK technology, ensuring we're built for scale and future-proofed.

  • OKX Integration. We're connecting developers to over 50 million potential players through OKX Marketplace and Wallet, significantly expanding our ecosystem's reach.

These partnerships aren't just names on a list - they're a testament to the trust industry leaders place in our vision for web3 gaming. 

But what does this mean for you as a game developer?

How Immutable’s gaming focus enables you to build the best web3 games 

Testimonial from Byoung Jae Lee, CEO Overtake

We've designed our entire ecosystem with your success in mind:

Our suite of tools, including Passport, Orderbook, and SDKs, streamlines your development process and gets you to market faster.

Immutable zkEVM offers low fees and high throughput, allowing your game economy to thrive even during peak activity.

We've grown from 100K to nearly 2M monthly active users in just three months, demonstrating our platform's ability to handle rapid growth.

Why a gaming-focused blockchain should be your top priority

Testimonial from Chris Heatherly, CEO Big Beautiful Tomorrow Corp

Choosing a blockchain built for gaming means aligning yourself with a platform that truly understands your needs. 

Our success is directly tied to the success of the games built on our platform, which drives us to constantly improve and adapt to the evolving gaming landscape. 

Our technology is purpose-built for game economies and mechanics, not retrofitted from other applications. We bring deep industry expertise to the table, helping you navigate the unique challenges of web3 gaming. 

Plus, you'll be connecting with a community of real gamers, not just crypto enthusiasts. This focus allows us to create sustainable monetization models that support long-term player engagement and game health.

The numbers speak for themselves: we've already signed over 140 new games in the first half of 2024, bringing our total to 380+ well-funded games signed to our platform. 

From ex-Disney veterans to teams with experience on hit franchises like FIFA and Overwatch, the industry's best are choosing us to build the future of gaming.

Let's build the future of gaming together.

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Disclaimer and risk statement:

This ‘How to’ guide is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation.  While Immutable has taken all reasonable care in preparing this guide, it is provided on an “As is” basis without any representations or warranty, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. In no event shall Immutable or any of its affiliates or any of its directors, officers, agents or employees be liable for any loss or damages in connection with the use of this guide. Some of the solutions referred to in this guide are provided by third parties; Immutable takes no responsibility for third party technology and you should refer to the policies, terms and conditions of those third party services before engaging with them.  Dealing in crypto assets can be complex; you should be aware of the risks involved with dealing with crypto assets, including with respect to transferring and bridging assets across different blockchain environments.

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