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Immutable zkEVM

How to get $IMX on Immutable zkEVM

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What you’ll need is:

  • A Passport wallet address (See below for how to find yours)
  • $IMX on the Ethereum network; or
  • ETH or USDC on L1 or another supported bridging chain (see below)

There are three options for getting $IMX on Immutable zkEVM:

  1. Bridging from Ethereum (L1)
    1. Native bridge: ETH, USDC or IMX
    2. Layerswap
  2. Bridging from another EVM chain
    1. Native: Not supported
    2. Layerswap
  3. Bridging from a centralized exchange (CEX)
    1. Layerswap
IMPORTANT NOTE: Sending funds to your Immutable Passport address on Ethereum (L1) or any other chain that isn’t Immutable zkEVM will not work! You need to either perform a deposit to Immutable zkEVM and/or swap funds within Immutable zkEVM using an integrated third party solution to get the tokens you need.

The following is a step-by-step guide to do the above. Note that this guide assumes you already have an Immutable Passport. If you don't have one yet, follow the steps below.

To access or create your Passport account and wallet

1. Visit

2. Sign in or create an account by clicking "Sign In".

3. Use Google, Apple, or email for account creation.

4. After signing up or logging in, you'll arrive at the wallet dashboard where you can view your crypto funds and wallet address in the upper right corner.

Option 1: Bridging from Ethereum (L1)

Option 1a: Use the native Immutable zkEVM bridge

Tokens supported: 

  • IMX
  • ETH
  • USDC


Note: Ethereum is currently the only supported network for the native bridge.

  1. Go to, or to (if using a Passport wallet)
Ethereum Bridge screen

  1. Connect your wallet
Move coins screen
Funds from screen

  1. Configure your ‘from’ and ‘to’ wallet addresses in the widget
From Wallet screen
Ethereum amount screen

  1. Select which token, ETH, USDC or IMX, that you would like to bridge
Moving from Wallet screen
confirm screen
progress screen

Option 1b: Use Layerswap

Why use Layerswap? 

Layerswap is a faster and cheaper bridging solution for smaller amounts of tokens. It currently supports more than 40 chains, including ImmutableX.

Tokens supported: 

Note that supported tokens are based on the originating and destination chains. Layerswap currently only supports the following tokens: 

  • ETH
  • USDC


  1. Go to
  1. Select Ethereum in the 'From' dropdown

  1. Input the desired amount and destination of your funds.

Pro tip: Turn on “Refuel”. This will give you some IMX to pay for gas on Immutable zkEVM. Without it you may need to bridge more funds to pay for gas!

Faster Bridge screen

  1. Select 'Swap now' and connect your wallet and initiate the transfer.
Faster Bridge screen

Option 2: Bridging from another EVM chain

Option 2a: Use the native bridge

The native Immutable zkEVM bridge does not yet support bridging from other chains.

Option 2b: Use Layerswap

Why use Layerswap? 

Layerswap is a faster and cheaper bridging solution for smaller amounts of tokens. It currently supports more than 40 chains, including ImmutableX.

Tokens supported: 

Note that supported tokens are based on the originating and destination chains. Layerswap currently only supports the following tokens: 

  • ETH
  • USDC


  1. Go to
  2. Connect your wallet
  3. Configure which chain you would like to bridge from
  4. Select which token, ETH or USDC (if available), that you would like to bridge
  5. Input the desired amount and destination of your funds
  6. Pro tip: Turn on “Refuel”. This will give you some IMX to pay for gas on Immutable zkEVM. Without it you may need to bridge more funds to pay for gas!

See screenshots above for reference.

Option 3: Bridging from a centralized exchange (CEX)

At present, depositing funds from a centralized exchange (CEX), such as Coinbase or Binance, directly to Immutable zkEVM is not currently possible. Consequently, do not transfer funds from a CEX to your Immutable Passport on a chain other than Immutable zkEVM. 

Instead, you'll need to bridge funds into Immutable zkEVM. For both bridging options below, you'll need ETH (on Ethereum) to bridge and cover gas fees.


  1. Go to
  2. Connect your wallet
  3. Configure which chain you would like to bridge from
  4. Select which token, ETH or USDC (if available), that you would like to bridge
  5. Input the desired amount and destination of your funds
  6. Pro tip: Turn on “Refuel”. This will give you some IMX to pay for gas on Immutable zkEVM. Without it you may need to bridge more funds to pay for gas!

See screenshots above for reference.

Immutable zkEVM

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$IMX Token Address

The official $IMX token address is: